Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How He Hustles: Vito Grippi

During my four years at York College, I've had numerous great teachers, but I can honestly say that Vito Grippi, adjunct writing professor at YCP, is one of the best--and not just because he's now my boss and could fire me if I said otherwise. Taking Intro to Creative Writing with Vito two years ago made me actually like creative writing despite the fact I normally feel more at home in the academic sphere. Not only did I have a great experience in Vito's class, but my younger brother was also influenced by Vito's teaching in freshman comp, going from an incomprehensible understanding of essay writing to effectively piecing together decent rhetorical analyses.

Of course,Vito's resume is much more extensive than just teaching adjunct at York. Presently, he's the digital editor of Story, a freelancer, and soon-to-be entrepreneur, but even these accolades don't do justice to his wide array of experience. His education reads like a cacophony of words that don't seem to belong together: table tennis aficionado, restaurateur, accountant, music engineer wannabe, small performance car part business owner, and finally, writer.

Photo Credit: Vito Grippi
Vito's became serious about writing when a professor encouraged him to pursue writing as a career as opposed to accounting, which was the original reason Vito came to get his undergrad degree at YCP. "I jumped ship almost immediately. I changed my major to writing and finally felt like I had joined my people. I started out thinking I would be a music journalist. So within weeks I had started contacting small, local entertainment magazines. Nightlife Monthly, which is no longer in business, was the first to give me a writing gig.  That led to others," said Vito.

After making connections in the writing world and pursuing a MFA, Vito and fellow writer, Wayne Cresser, started Shaking Like A Mountain while Vito worked as features editor for an entertainment weekly. Despite loving his work, Vito searched for a job that would lead to more financial stability. "I figured I could actually work part time while earning the MFA. That’s sort of how I stumbled into teaching. I had tutored as an undergrad and I came back to see if I could tutor while in grad school. I set up a meeting with the writing program director and I think I actually caught him while he was trying to fill an intro composition course because he almost immediately offered me the course," said Vito.

Despite all of these accomplishments, Vito is hesitant to describe himself as successful, "Success implies you’ve reached something and that would probably make me stop reaching. Maybe I’ll know when I get there."

Advice from Vito

  • Don’t be afraid to try stuff. A lot of what I’ve learned has happened because I told people I could do it before actually knowing how. Someone needed a website and I offered to do it. Then I spent the next few weeks figuring out. A big-time logo designer asked me if I did copywriting on a freelance basis and I immediately said yes, no hesitation. I’m not even sure I knew what a freelance copywriter was. He asked me how much I charged and I said “whatever you think is fair.” He said, “I’d feel terrible giving you anything less than $50 an hour.” So that became my starting fee. I think you should try to learn everything. My dad wouldn’t let me run the family restaurant until I learned how to prep, clean, work as a line cook. I try to apply this to everything I do. 
  • You have to put in the time. My father came to the United States and has become really successful because he put in the time. He had no idea how to run a restaurant, or how to cook even. So I take that approach, just try to jump into new things. I also don’t say no to much work that comes my way, which is great for building up a client base and paying the bills, but can really wear you down. I’m trying to get better at turning things down. The downside of all of this is that if you’re constantly busy doing work for others, your projects, the ones you really care about, always get put on the backburner. At the same time, I’m at my best when I’m busy. If I have multiple projects going at once, and if I feel anxious about it, that’s a good thing. 
  • Take education seriously. I had an English teacher in 7th grade who would make us memorize and recite poetry. We would have to stand at the front of the class and recite the poems. This caused me so much dread. I hated that guy. One time I forgot to bring my textbook to class and he taped a book to my right hand and made me stand at the front of the room for the entire class. He was the worst, and yet, now looking back I wish I had paid closer attention to him. I think I would have learned a lot from him. I wish someone had told me to take my classes in high school more seriously too. I really limited my opportunities early on because I just assumed I would eventually work in the restaurant business. Education didn’t really play into that. It took me a long time to really appreciate learning and books. But part of me also wishes I would have tried to make a go of it on the table tennis circuit. I could have been something. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How She Hustles: Samantha Czekanski

As you may have noticed my senioritis is definitely still kicking considering I didn't actually write a blog post update about my attempts to beat it this week. So I'm going to nix my original idea and instead start something fun that has been in the works for a few weeks.

I'm starting a blog series called "How He/She Hustles" focusing on different people I am fortunate enough to know who are hustling and making their dreams come true. These individuals are an inspiration to me and I hope they will be able to inspire you too.

First up is Samantha, my wonderful friend and business partner. We met on Twitter 2 years ago and have maintained a great friendship ever since. Samantha is always encouraging me to listen to my gut and follow my dreams. This Minnesotan has developed a serious case of wanderlust and has taken her goals across the globe.

Before starting her grand adventure, Samantha lived in a "little cocoon of Midwestern monotony" that made her feel safe and predictable, where she was unhappily "hopping from boring job to boring job." However, life began to change for her when she embraced her "dreamer/weirdo" nature and repeatedly popped the movie About Time into her DVD player, which inspired the first step in her journey.

Samantha left me in complete awe this past summer when she chose to give up her life in the States and go to graduate school in England, where she knew no one. Naturally, this lovely woman flourished in England and is already planning amazing things for her future. She is currently in the process of launching a Youtube Channel and has a new branding process in the works. Together we're working on a start-up called The Polished Network, which will act as an online community connecting classy, authentic woman of all backgrounds and financial brackets.

Samantha isn't the type to let completing one dream stop her. "I went from living at home with no direction to traveling Europe, studying for my Masters in Oxford, England, and starting my own business. It’s an odd feeling, but good, of course, knowing that you’ve accomplished what you set out to do and then some. Suddenly you find yourself asking ‘now what?’ I didn’t have to wait long before my next dream materialized in my head. Two words: Los Angeles," said Samantha.

Advice from Samantha: 

  • Make sure you are doing what you love: I’m not one for cliches, but really, life is too short to waste it doing something you hate. I always hear the excuses of time, energy, resources, money. If you want it, it’s up to you. YOU. Your fairy godmother took the next decade off so it’s up to you and how well you hustle. You will find the time, the energy, you will network your ass off until you have the resources and the money. There’s a reason GoFundMe exists. Just start. A bit every day.  And if you’re already doing what you love? Take your profession to the next level by taking chances. Learn to love being different. You cannot be afraid of the critics, because when you start to stand out, to challenge the status quo, or simply wear a dress on casual Friday, they will multiply like you have never seen and try to tear you down will all means of ridiculousness. . Eyes on the prize and one hand on the troll whip, you’ll get there. 
  • Stop listening to the what ifs: It seems like what ifs are a constant companion to dreams, and they seem to come from the most unlikely of places, the people you thought would be so happy to see you set goals are the ones asking ‘are you sure?..but what if...?" It’ll drive you mad. There will never be a perfect time. You’ll die waiting for the most opportune moment. Gather your courage, compile your resources, say a prayer to the dream gods, and jump. 
  • Be prepared to do paperwork and research: Lots of it. Seriously, have you seen the time it takes to get a visa and US loans for another country? I studied the UK Boarder Agency website until I had fellow expats coming to me with their questions. I budgeted until I thought I was good at math (at a 8th grade level). I read every site written for expats and students, talked with those who had been there, done that, and bugged the crap out of my university’s student relations department so much I though they were going to revoke my acceptance. But as educated as I thought I was, I had curve balls come at me left and right, things I didn’t even think about. Know what you're getting yourself into, but always be ready to turn around and jump off the proverbial cliff of "but actually, who knows" at a moment’s notice. In the end, it’s nothing if not a good story, which the world always needs more of.